
In accordance with § 89 of Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on electronic communications, we hereby inform you that our website uses cookies for its activities and in order to improve the services provided to you.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files (a short text file) that are stored on individual computers using a web browser. Without these files, browsing the web would be more difficult and less comfortable. Thanks to cookies, the website visited remembers the actions and settings of the user, who does not have to enter them repeatedly. Repeated visits are therefore easier and more productive for the user.

Cookies can generally be divided into two types:

  1. A) Temporary cookies - are stored on your device only for the duration of the session (site visit). Most often, they allow information to be stored when you move from one website to another (for example, when you add a product to your basket in an e-shop and continue shopping).
  2. B) Persistent cookies - they stay on your computer longer. They help us to identify your device when you visit again (they do not allow us to identify you personally in any way and we store the relevant data in a completely anonymised way) and thus allow us to personalise our site.

Another group are so-called third-party cookies. These are characterised by the fact that they are controlled by third parties who receive and collect the data. These include, for example, the Google Analytics traffic analysis cookies that are used on our site.

Cookies do not pose a risk to your data, nor do they serve to collect sensitive personal data. We use cookies solely for measurement purposes and generally to ensure your maximum satisfaction. We do not use cookies to identify users or to misuse login credentials.

You can block or delete cookies through your browser or by using third party software. However, this may adversely affect the functionality of certain parts of the website.

What do we use cookies for?

To customize your settings

We use cookies to remember information that affects the look and feel of the site. This makes it possible to personalise the website and avoids the need to set it up every time you visit. This could be, for example, your preferred language, text size or making it easier to register for new services. For registered users, we show information about logging in or logging out.

Statistical purposes

To better understand what our readers are interested in and how they behave on our site, we use Google analytics. This saves anonymous cookies on each visit. Thanks to this information we know how many users visit our site, which section or how often. This information is anonymised and is not linked in any way to a specific person. Details about Google Analytics can be found here.


We use cookies to authenticate users, prevent fraud and protect user data.

How do I set cookies on my computer?

If your browser is enabled to use cookies, we will assume that you agree to the use of standard cookies on our website. If you do not want to store these cookies it is possible to block their use.

You can set and manage cookies in your browser. Every standard browser supports cookie management (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.).

Within the management, you can delete, block, disable or enable each individual cookie for each website.

You can find the cookie management settings in your browser's help. You can find information within the main browsers:

If you have any questions, you can contact us by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone +420 602 164 061.

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